“Boël, une Usine dans la Ville” (ISBN 978-2-9602178-0-3) is the name of a new book about the Usines Gustave Boel in La Louviere, Belgium.
The quality is average with some good pictures but few useful informations.
15 Euro for a 250 page book are however a bargain, at least for steel nerds.
Tag Archives: Books
Usines La Fensch
A new book showing rare aerial views of the five steel and iron mills that once shaped the Fensch valley in Lorraine, France.
The quality of the large format images done by Louis Schmidt mostly in the 1960ies is predominantly extraordinary.
There ain’t much text so you don’t need to learn French to enjoy this book.
The book is published by Serge Domini, 120 pages, ISBN: 978-2-35475-064-0.
These books are usually out of print very fast and become quite expensive after a while.
Sidérurgie Lorraine
A new book from Editions Serpenoise, who already published quite a lot about Lorraine steel making, shows rare and impressive images, in an overall good quality, from the Terre Rouge country.
After the book is 80%-photos it doesn’t matter much if you can’t read French.
The book has 150 pages and shows about 300 B/W images.
There are a few flaws like undated images, no real structure and some wrong captions, but overall it is worth buying.
Schupp & Kremmer

© Deutsches Bergbaumuseum
A (nearly) new publication by the German Mining Museum in Bochum I just discovered is concerned with the work and the assets of the famous German industrial architects Fritz Schupp (1896-1974) and Martin Kremmer (1895-1945).
On more than 400 pages it lists all their industrial buildings and shows what is still there.
Hundreds of high resolution images and plans complement this catalogue.
The Bergbaumuseum shop offers it as a real bargain right now. Unfortunatly only in German.
Christmas time is coming.
So if you are already in search for the extraordinary gift here are two books that will bring a special glow to the dark days.
Mike Schultz’ Foundry Work volume I & II both show unique images done in dozens of foundries worldwide by one of the best industrial photographers around.
The amazing clarity and detail of his work is well supported by the vintage printing.
Strongly recommended.